mac accounting software for csv vs iif

Ian Dillon's Avatar

Ian Dillon

16 Jun, 2012 03:27 AM

I recently joined handshake and I'm getting things up and running for our business that will begin selling next month. I'm looking for business accounting software that is capable of tracking sales, and I see that handshake can export data in csv format. It looks like Quickbooks for Mac will support csv imports, but not for sales data (that seems to have to be in iif). I'm still in the process of figuring all of this out... can you help me?

Thank you,


  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 18 Jun, 2012 08:10 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Hi there Ian,

    You are correct that Quickbooks does not support the import of sales orders via CSV (a huge frustration for all!). While we have found some Windows based solutions, namely (Transaction Pro Importer) for importing CSV files of orders into Quickbooks, we have yet to find a great Mac based solution.

    Our investigations led us to this product: who do appear to have a Mac based solution, and which also has a free trial.

    Ian - we'd love if you could give it a try, and let us know your thoughts.

    You'd just use the Handshake order exports as the source file to import into QB.

    Kind regards,

    • Mike Elmgreen, Handshake NYC
  2. Mike closed this discussion on 18 Jun, 2012 08:10 PM.

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