Images not showing up on iPad

Ivan Litscher's Avatar

Ivan Litscher

15 Nov, 2012 06:03 PM

We have loaded up our items in the Handshake DB. We have also loaded a bunch of pictures to the items via the online interface.
When we view the individual items in the DB, the pictures are present, but when viewing on the iPad the pictures do not show (Only pictures we see are the initial pictures loaded when testing).
Any ideas what is happening?
If this is the wrong place to ask this, please advise

  1. 2 Posted by Glenn Elms on 15 Nov, 2012 08:17 PM

    Glenn Elms's Avatar

    I know this sounds simply but...have you sync'd your ipad?

  2. 3 Posted by Ivan Litscher on 15 Nov, 2012 08:33 PM

    Ivan Litscher's Avatar

    LOL - yes, I wish it was that simple. If it helps, for all of the products I have loaded images for, I see a blank "Polaroid photo" type image in its place. For the products I have not loaded images for, I do not see this image.

  3. 4 Posted by Glenn Elms on 15 Nov, 2012 08:36 PM

    Glenn Elms's Avatar

    I had the same problem once. I fixed it by unloading the image and then reloading it again.
    Try that

  4. 5 Posted by Ivan Litscher on 15 Nov, 2012 10:39 PM

    Ivan Litscher's Avatar

    I tried that and it's not working. This is becoming an issue - hopefully there is a simple fix.

  5. 6 Posted by Ivan Litscher on 16 Nov, 2012 12:29 AM

    Ivan Litscher's Avatar

    Got the fix from the Handshake crew - this isn't something they normally recommend since it can cause you to lose unsynched orders but here it is:
    Hit the infinity looking "sync" button. You will see a popup window, then hold down on the sync button until you get the "erase and sync" option. Confirm this and then proceed.
    Your iPad should do a fresh sync from the server and the images should come down

  6. Ivan Litscher closed this discussion on 16 Nov, 2012 12:30 AM.

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