Handshake stops or minimizes after login on iPad

Pam Firra's Avatar

Pam Firra

13 Jul, 2012 03:21 PM via web

When a user tries to start handshake on her iPad, the app quickly disappears from the screen. Can you give us ideas for how to troubleshoot the problem?

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 13 Jul, 2012 04:17 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Hey Pam -

    We were just able to successfully login to your account, so it sounds like you might have a corrupted download. Can you please confirm you are updated to the latest version of Handshake (3.0.3) on the App Store? If you are, please delete Handshake from your iPad, reinstall and try again.

    Let us know how you go.

    Kind regards,
    Mike Elmgreen
    Handshake NYC

  2. 3 Posted by Lily on 17 Jul, 2012 05:39 AM

    Lily's Avatar

    This comment was split into a new private discussion: Handshake stops or minimizes after login on iPad

    I paid for one user because I am still on trial now. I want to login using '' but it is not allowed. Please tell me how to log in. Also, I have 2 devices. Can I use both of the login my account?
    Thank you

  3. Mike closed this discussion on 17 Jul, 2012 01:45 PM.

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