barcode order entry on ipad and iphone

Bente Haubro's Avatar

Bente Haubro

26 Jul, 2012 11:49 PM

If the barcode is found everything is fine. One does not have to look at the order after each item is added to the order.
However if the barcode is not found a nice message comes up in the middle of the screen and progress halts on the order taking until I answer the problem. This is fine if I am looking at the screen after each entry but eliminates being able to put the i device down on the table and enter a show order by following the customer arround the show room and barcoding each item the customer wants. Can you make the barcode not found message appear on the order with no cost and let the order taking continue. One can then answer all the not found messages at the end and find all the problems while in front of the screen. Otherwise one will either have to carry the i device arround and constantly look for problems or run back to the device after each barcode. The scanner beeps and vibrates if the barcode is readable, but there is no way the barcode reader knows if the code was found.

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 27 Jul, 2012 04:26 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Hey Bente -

    We think this would be better solved by having a sound (i.e. scan successful or scan not successful) that you can turn up so that you can hear from across the room if the scans worked or not. What do you think?

    Kind regards,

    Mike Elmgreen
    Handshake NYC

  2. 3 Posted by Bente Haubro on 30 Jul, 2012 07:35 PM

    Bente Haubro's Avatar

    Mike, Thanks for the rapid response. A sound would be good, but we still think , for the trade show orders, that an error message in place to keep the sequence that the customer is entering in tact. Right now we will carry the i device around as the customer uses the Socket scanner to select , by pointing it and feeling the positive read vibration, each item they want. We will delete the barcode not found message when and if one appears. We want to be able to keep the customer moving and entering as many items as they can in the short time they have for ordering on our stand. Our staff can resolve all the problem barcodes after the selection process if the messages are kept in their proper position on the order ( cart ).
    By the way we like the new improvements.
    Terry Carter
    Sent from my iPad

  3. 4 Posted by Bente Haubro on 30 Jul, 2012 07:40 PM

    Bente Haubro's Avatar

    Mike, another thought! If you put in the sounds for good and bad reads, and allow the customer to keep going and only record the items that were found, we can follow the customer with a note pad to write down the ones that did not work.
    Bente Carter

    Sent from my iPad

  4. Support Staff 5 Posted by Mike on 06 Aug, 2012 08:04 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Yep - we'd definitely allow you to keep going.

  5. Support Staff 6 Posted by Mike on 06 Aug, 2012 08:04 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Yep - we'd definitely allow you to keep going.

  6. Mike closed this discussion on 06 Aug, 2012 08:04 PM.

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