can't login without internet connect

Barry's Avatar


09 Jun, 2012 02:27 PM via web

I try to login without internet connect to do offline order test.
but HS keep report "Login attempt failed" until I get internet connection!

So, If my sales lost internet connection and didn't login HS yet, mean he can't do the order!?

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Glen on 09 Jun, 2012 09:33 PM

    Glen's Avatar

    Hi Barry - this issue has been fixed in Handshake 3.0.3 which was submitted to Apple last Monday and is expected to be published to the App Store on Monday or Tuesday of this week.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, the fix will be out there soon!

    From our 3.0.3 release notes:

    ✔ Fixed issue where syncing could repeatedly fail to connect, requiring a restart to fix.
    ✔ Fixed issue where sync could appear to stay in the "Cleaning up…" phase forever.
    ✔ Fixed issue where offline logins to new accounts wouldn't work.

  2. Glen closed this discussion on 09 Jun, 2012 09:33 PM.

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