Suggested Retail pricing

Eddie Kim's Avatar

Eddie Kim

26 Nov, 2012 08:07 PM

First off, great app! Has been helping the business a ton.

I was wondering if "suggested retail pricing" has been considered as an option for customers to see when purchases are being made. Sales rep can allow customers to see what the cost prices are for items, and then also view a suggested retail price when a purchase is made. Thanks!

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 27 Nov, 2012 11:13 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Hey Eddie -

    Thanks for the kind words! We are considering adding this to an upcoming release (it has been roadmapped but not scheduled just yet). For the meantime - have you considered adding this into the long description for the item?

    Kind regards,

    Mike Elmgreen
    Handshake NYC

  2. Mike closed this discussion on 27 Nov, 2012 11:13 PM.

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