Adding additional owners

Cheryl Christiansen's Avatar

Cheryl Christiansen

11 Jun, 2012 11:14 PM via web

How can i add "owners" at the moment i only have master and cannot work out where i can add additional owners

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 11 Jun, 2012 11:44 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Hi there Cheryl,

    "Owners" can be any of the user groups specified at

    Please check out this article to learn about how to use user groups, and how to add reps to their "own groups":

    Please note - userGroup owners can also be assigned in the "userGroup" column.

    Kind regards,

    -Mike Elmgreen, Director of Business Development -Handshake NYC

  2. Mike closed this discussion on 05 Jul, 2012 02:37 PM.

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