A question about Handshake

abalgin's Avatar


11 Nov, 2012 11:11 PM


After playing around with Handshake, I couldn't help but wonder ... Can I use it with just wifi at the office, then take my ipad4 (wifi only), outside and take orders and view the catalog, offline, then come back to the office and synch then?


Aras Balgin

Sent from my iPad

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Glen on 12 Nov, 2012 01:00 AM

    Glen's Avatar

    Hi Aras,

    Yes, Handshake works without an internet connection. It is totally fine to sync up only periodically and write orders in between syncs.

    Please see the below for more information about Handshake's offline usage:



  2. Glen closed this discussion on 12 Nov, 2012 01:00 AM.

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