Different Currency for UK Customers

Chris's Avatar


29 Jan, 2013 09:46 PM

Love the App and ease of use of the Backend.

I saw on the Demo that you can have different currencies for clients from different countries, how do you do that.

I've tried creating a customer group with a STG (UK) currency and saving but it keeps defaulting back to EUR when i save it, will this work when we subscribe ?

Also, once i've entered the customer group with the STG unit price, how do i give each product its STG price as well as the EUR price ?

Many thanks in advance.


P.S. Got the Customer Group sorted, my mistake, should have been using GBP not STG(Sterling).

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Aaron Bleiweiss on 30 Jan, 2013 06:56 PM

    Aaron Bleiweiss's Avatar

    Hi Chris,

    Glad you got the first customer group part sorted out.

    To change and apply different pricing to an item please go to the item list page. When you select a specific item you will see at the bottom of the page a link called "alternative pricing." This will allow you to set the different pricing for each category group you have setup. I attached a quick screenshot to reference.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

    Best regards,
    Aaron Bleiweiss

  2. Aaron Bleiweiss closed this discussion on 30 Jan, 2013 06:56 PM.

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