[email protected] wrote you a note

npatterson's Avatar


13 Dec, 2012 02:06 AM

Hi there! You've received a message from a visitor while you were away. They were on https://app.handshake-app.com/customers, referred to your site by https://app.handshake-app.com/account/login.

The user's message follows:


Hi There

I wanted to know if there is any bar code scanning device that you can recomend that can be blue toothed to our ipads? We want to scan bar codes at our trade fairs so that the orders load directly into handshake?

Apprecaite any advise you can forward.



Name: nick

E-mail: [email blocked]

Web Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer

Web Browser Version: 9.0

Operating System: Windows

IP Address:

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 13 Dec, 2012 10:19 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Hi Nick -

    Good to hear from you. Certainly! We recommend the Socket Mobile 7Ci barcode scanners for use with Handshake. it's a high quality, well built product, and we test with the 7Ci internally. They are available from Socket Directly and also on common stores like Amazon etc for around $200. We've never had any of our customers regret the investment.


    Mike Elmgreen
    Handshake NYC

  2. Mike closed this discussion on 13 Dec, 2012 10:19 PM.

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