Order details as email attachment

Grayson Cheng's Avatar

Grayson Cheng

13 Sep, 2012 03:20 AM

I've been sending the order confirmation to my office as an email from the iPad app. I would find out if there is any way that I could send the order details as an attachment to my office instead of in-line within the email content. Please advise...urgent. Thanks!

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Glen on 13 Sep, 2012 04:20 AM

    Glen's Avatar

    Hi Grayson - when you hit the "send to my office" button in the app, the email that is generated contains a CSV attachment with the line items from the order in it.

    Are you aware of that feature, or is there something else that you're looking for? Please give us a little more detail and we'll be happy to help.

  2. Glen closed this discussion on 13 Sep, 2012 04:20 AM.

  3. Grayson Cheng re-opened this discussion on 13 Sep, 2012 05:00 AM

  4. 3 Posted by Grayson Cheng on 13 Sep, 2012 05:00 AM

    Grayson Cheng's Avatar

    Hi Glen. Yup, I found that feature. Apparently, when I emailed the order confirmation to customers, the email didn't contain the CSV file. It only has the CSV attachment when I email to my office. Bu that works fine.

    Just to digress a little, I just signed up with Box and linked my Handshake account to my Box account. However, when I touched on the "Send PDF to Box" option in one of my orders on the iPad, the entire app closes. No PDF was sent. I wonder what's happening.

  5. Support Staff 4 Posted by Glen on 13 Sep, 2012 01:08 PM

    Glen's Avatar

    Hi Grayson,

    Now I see. Yes you're right, the CSV file is only attached when you're emailing the order to the office. We have actually had a couple requests lately for the CSV to be attached when emailing to the customer, and we're thinking about how to incorporate that feature into a future release in a way that doesn't annoy those who don't want it.

    As for the Box thing - this is a known bug in Handshake 3.1.6 and earlier, but is fixed in Handshake 3.2.0 which is expected to be released sometime early next week. Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime!


  6. Glen closed this discussion on 13 Sep, 2012 01:08 PM.

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