Device Sessions Problems

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Sales Order

18 Sep, 2012 10:58 AM

After I log out from my iPAD, my device sessions still keep in server. I should be disappear.
Pls goto my account have a look
[email blocked]

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Glen on 18 Sep, 2012 12:26 PM

    Glen's Avatar

    Hi Barry,

    Yes - when you log out from the server, the device session still hangs around. This is deliberate so that if you log back in from the same device, all your data is still there and you don't have to re-sync again from scratch.

    If you don't want to keep a device session from the same device, you need to manually delete it from the device sessions list using the right-side menus.

    Unfortunately, Apple made some changes to the UUID system in iOS 5.0 that make it impossible for our server to uniquely identify devices, and so right now it is not possible for us to automatically eject device sessions when you log in from the same device after reinstalling Handshake.

    Apple has recently made some changes in iOS 6.0 that will allow developers to start tracking this again properly, but it will be a little while until everyone has upgraded and we can start using that feature.

  2. Glen closed this discussion on 18 Sep, 2012 12:26 PM.

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