How do I create a new customer on the iPad or iPhone?

Look for the plus! [+]

To create a new customer:

  1. Open up the "Customers" tab on Handshake for the iPad or iPhone.
  2. Hit the plus [+] button in the top right hand corner of the customer list.
  3. Choose "Create new customer" to start fresh or "Import from contacts" to import a contact from your existing iPhone or iPad contact list.
  4. Enter in the customer's details such as billing and shipping addresses, preferred payment terms and ship method and you're good to go!

What happens to the customers I create?

A few things:

  • If you're online, these new customers are synched up to your account on the website.
  • Customers created in the app are allocated a customer ID by Handshake that always begins with an asterix (*).
  • The next time you export your customers sheet from the website, you'll see the new customers in there and can edit the customer ID to reflect the one in your accounting, ERP or CRM system.