Setting Up Your Company

All sales people want to show off their brand, and the first part of doing that with Handshake is setting up your company info.

Click here to view your company info

To get a basic working company setup going, do the following:

  1. Type in your company's name in the way you'd like it to be seen by your customers.
  2. If you're not selling in USD, enter the base currency you'd like your prices to be shown in. If you sell in multiple currencies, you can use customer groups to set them up later.
  3. Upload your company logo over on the right of the page. If you don't have a company logo handy, you can use ours just to see how it looks. You can replace this easily later.

When it looks like this, you're done

Let's keep moving and set up a new product we can write orders for!

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08 Jan, 2013 12:56 AM
07 Jan, 2013 09:57 PM