View Credit Card Number

Sarah Correa's Avatar

Sarah Correa

25 Jul, 2012 12:17 AM via web

Hi There,

We are new to Handshake and we have just started entering credit card numbers when making orders with customers. I am now needing to process the customers payment, however, I am unable to view the entire credit card number. How can I export / view this?

Thank you,

Hunter Accessories

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Glen on 25 Jul, 2012 03:31 AM

    Glen's Avatar

    Hi Sarah - thanks for writing through. I've just put an FAQ page about this together since this is a question we've had a few times before:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions!

  2. Glen closed this discussion on 25 Jul, 2012 03:31 AM.

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