A question about Handshake
After playing around with Handshake, I couldn't help but wonder ... Is there a way to add notes to customer information and to orders.
Sent from my iPad
After playing around with Handshake, I couldn't help but wonder ... Is there a way to add notes to customer information and to orders.
Sent from my iPad
Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 10 Dec, 2012 02:41 PM
Hey Jerrel -
We certainly do have a way of adding notes to orders in two ways.
We do not have customer level notes just yet, but this is on our roadmap!
Can you tell us a little about your business?
Kind regards,
Mike Elmgreen
Handshake NYC
Mike closed this discussion on 10 Dec, 2012 02:41 PM.
Jerrel Bronswinkel re-opened this discussion on 15 Dec, 2012 05:12 PM
3 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 15 Dec, 2012 05:12 PM
Hi Mike
Hope all is well. I sent you a mail, but then just noticed I sent it to myself.
I just purchased the app for two users. All questions below have been resolved. I have but one remaining question…
Is it possible that the order confirmation reflects the regular price and the discount separately? This so that the customer can see their dissents per item in addition to the total discount at the bottom?
Thanks again
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Jerrel Bronswinkel <[email blocked]>
> Subject: Re: A question about Handshake [Questions #1271]
> Date: December 10, 2012 5:23:34 PM EST
> To: Jerrel Bronswinkel <[email blocked]>
> Hi Mike
> I was testing it for a friend of mine who does the sales for a small company called I Love Aruba. He is filling out the orders by hand and when he comes to the office puts the order in excel and mail it to that company.
> The products that are sold by this company are souvenirs: Shirts, mugs, magnets, keychains etc. The company has about 84 customers, which mainly consist of souvenir stores.
> If there is more you would like to ask, please do so.
> If it is ok I have another 3 questions regarding the mail you can send from Handshake which is below.
> 1. Is there a way to reflect the end total. In other words the total of all items?
> 2. Is there a way to reflect the discount that was given ?
> 3. I also tried sending this email to an android phone and a windows pc, but the information in the mail does not display as orderly as it does on my iPhone or mac. Am I doing something wrong?
> Thanks
> Jerrel
> The Demo Company Order #50451000
> Thanks for placing an order with The Demo Company! Please find your order confirmation below:
> Date: 12/10/12
> Status: Confirmed
> Customer ID: C1006
> Bill-to address Ship-to address
> Bozu
> Contact: Barney Rubble
> 218 E King St
> Irving TX 75062 US
> Phone: 123-456-7896
> Fax: 555-555-5561
> Bozu
> Contact: Barney Rubble
> 218 E King St
> Irving TX 75062 US
> Phone: 123-456-7896
> Fax: 555-555-5561
> V-Neck Sweater (M.SW.01)
> Granite 2 2 2 2 2 2
> Navy 2 2 2 2 2 2
> $24.00 x 24 - $576.00
> Hooded Sweater (M.SW.02)
> Gray 2 0 2 0 1 1
> Black 0 2 0 2 0 0
> $28.00 x 10 - $280.00
> Slim-fit Textured Shirt (M.SH.02)
> 1 2 2 2 2 2
> $19.00 x 11 - $188.10
> Payment terms: PREPAID
> Ship method: UPS
> Credit Card: MASTERCARD **** 5678
> If you have any questions about your order, please don't hesitate to contact us.
> Kind regards,
> Guest User
> The Demo Company
> On Dec 10, 2012, at 12:29 PM, Jerrel Bronswinkel <[email blocked]> wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Mike <[email blocked]>
>>> Date: December 10, 2012, 10:40:48 AM AST
>>> To: [email blocked]
>>> Subject: Re: A question about Handshake [Questions #1271]
Support Staff 4 Posted by Mike on 17 Dec, 2012 09:46 PM
Hey Jerrel -
Yes! I just added this to your template :)
Mike Elmgreen
Handshake NYC
Mike closed this discussion on 17 Dec, 2012 09:46 PM.
Jerrel Bronswinkel re-opened this discussion on 17 Dec, 2012 11:37 PM
5 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 17 Dec, 2012 11:37 PM
You guys rock!!
Mike closed this discussion on 20 Dec, 2012 10:46 PM.
Jerrel Bronswinkel re-opened this discussion on 24 Jan, 2013 04:29 PM
6 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 24 Jan, 2013 04:29 PM
Hi Mike
Could you please let me know if it possible to adapt the order confirmation cvs file so that the line items contain all the information of the items e.g. Item description, size etc.
Could you also include the details of the customer, name ,address etc
Thanks a million
Sent from my iPad
Support Staff 7 Posted by Mike on 24 Jan, 2013 05:27 PM
Hey Jerrel,
I just copied the order export template, which is more fully featured, into your order confirmation CSV template - you can review and edit it here. https://app.handshake-app.com/setup/templates/74
If you sync up you will also see it atatched to the next email confirmation you send out.
Mike Elmgreen
Handshake NYC
Mike closed this discussion on 24 Jan, 2013 05:27 PM.
Jerrel Bronswinkel re-opened this discussion on 24 Jan, 2013 07:02 PM
8 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 24 Jan, 2013 07:02 PM
Hi Mike,
Thanks again
9 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 24 Jan, 2013 10:41 PM
Hi Mike
Sorry if I am misunderstanding, but should I make the adjustments to the template you sent me? The template now displays the customer information in one line and is repeated 4 times. I tried to get an understanding as to what instructions will pull the correct data. But at this moment learning an asian language seems easier. Is there a fee we can pay for you to set this up?
The people pulling the items from the warehouse say that when they print out the order for pulling the items the file is multiple pages, and request if this can be reduced by eliminating the pictures, line spacing etc.
I hope you are able to understand what I am trying to explain.
Kind regards, and many thanks
Support Staff 10 Posted by Mike on 25 Jan, 2013 04:58 AM
Hey Jerrel -
The information for the customer is displayed along with the details, quantity, price etc of each line item on the order, which is what many of our customers use.
When you say the "correct data" - is there a specific format you have in mind?
Every business is different and we need a little more detail to be able to help you out with editing the template.
Mike Elmgreen
11 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 25 Jan, 2013 12:56 PM
Hi Mike
Is there any way to call you?
Support Staff 12 Posted by Mike on 25 Jan, 2013 11:36 PM
Hey Jerrel -
I have been out of the office traveling on business today. Let's schedule a time to connect on Monday?
Mike Elmgreen
Handshake NYC
13 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 25 Jan, 2013 11:51 PM
Ok thanks. I'm traveling to Miami on Monday so i'm kind of thight, however the supplying company is giving me a hard time about this item, so i will gladly call you as soon as we land. Do you have a number i can contact you at?
Support Staff 14 Posted by Mike on 26 Jan, 2013 12:43 AM
Yep - my number is 646 580 9630.
If you can please get us a sample export format prior to the call that will be helpful - we can't do much without that.
15 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 26 Jan, 2013 01:06 AM
Hi Mike
I do not have a sample format, but I think it is simple to explain by phone.
The CSV file should state the customer name and address, and below that the items ordered with all the details. E.g. description , color, size and amount. The monetary amounts and totals thereof are not necessary. This document will only serve for the warehouse in packing the orders (packing list).
If I can call you now, please let me know.
We are more than happy to pay for this to get resolved
16 Posted by Jerrel Bronswinkel on 26 Jan, 2013 12:25 PM
Hi Mike
I quickly made up an Excel sheet as to the information we would need in the CSV file. Hope this helps
Thanks again