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Vertriebsteam Bayern's Avatar

Vertriebsteam Bayern

18 Dec, 2012 09:08 PM

Hi there! You've received a message from a visitor while you were away. They were on undefined.

The user's message follows:


Hey Guys,
thanks for this great program! Following Quest: One of your and also my customer (Paperblanks from Ireland) gave me its customer Bulk Export an i would like to integrate their customers in my list so i can work with my own HandshakeAccount (because i have much more manufacturers to sell next to Paperblanks). But Paperblanks is my first to use the csv import. Everything is perfect for them, when i use their account. But i would like to use my own, so i don't have to log in and out for every manufacturer. Now the Problem: Their Customers Bulk Export an mine don't have exactly the same headers. Can i use their headers for my import? Or will the new rowing and naming of the headers bring lots confusion?
Thanks for soon answer and happy countdown to christmas eve!
Kind regards


Name: Alexandra Hildner

E-mail: [email blocked]

Web Browser: Safari

Web Browser Version: 5.1.7

Operating System: Macintosh

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 18 Dec, 2012 10:45 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Hi Alexandra -

    You can go ahead and create your own Handshake account if you like at https://handshake-app.com/

    With regards to the customer sheet however, you will have to use our template format at this time I've attached

    I've attached our most basic templates for importing customers and items, which you import at: https://app.handshake-app.com/setup/bulk/import

    If you need help on the fields, check out:

    Customers: http://handshake-app.com/help/kb/importing-your-data-in-bulk/im...

    Let me know if you need any help with getting these sheets together.

    Kind regards,

    Mike Elmgreen
    Handshake NYC

  2. Mike closed this discussion on 18 Dec, 2012 10:45 PM.

  3. Alexandra Hildner re-opened this discussion on 19 Dec, 2012 08:34 PM

  4. 3 Posted by Alexandra Hildner on 19 Dec, 2012 08:34 PM

    Alexandra Hildner's Avatar

    Dear Mike,

    i was worrying too much. Your Program is so wonderful and handsome! Everything worked wonderful.
    Rock on!

    beste Grüße
    Alexandra Hildner

    Vertriebsteam Bayern
    Buchdinge Verlagsvertretung
    Tel 08036 97097 83
    Fax 08036 97097 84
    Holunderweg 12
    83071 Stephanskirchen

  5. Support Staff 4 Posted by Mike on 20 Dec, 2012 06:51 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Fantastic Alexandra,

    That's what we like to hear!

    Kind regards,

    Mike Elmgreen
    Director, Business Development
    Handshake NYC

  6. Mike closed this discussion on 20 Dec, 2012 06:51 PM.

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