External reps

Joe Costanzo's Avatar

Joe Costanzo

03 Oct, 2012 09:24 PM

Hi there

We have several external reps that we would like to add to our system. The problem we are having is that we do not want these external reps to have access to any sales reports unless the reports only refer to their own sales orders. Is this possible?

Joe Costanzo

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mike on 03 Oct, 2012 09:52 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Hey there Joe -

    Yes! You can assign certain customers to the reps so that they only see their own customers and orders for their customers. The system is specifically designed for this.

    This is done by assigning customers to "user groups" in the customer file.

    Check out this article and let us know if you have any questions: http://handshake-app.com/help/kb/user-groups/user-groups

    Kind regards,

    Mike Elmgreen
    Director, Business Development
    Handshake NYC

  2. 3 Posted by Joe Costanzo on 04 Oct, 2012 09:24 PM

    Joe Costanzo's Avatar

    Hi Mike

    I finally worked it out. Not sure what I was doing wrong before but now it is all good.


  3. Joe Costanzo closed this discussion on 04 Oct, 2012 09:24 PM.

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