how to avoide sales delete customer record

Barry's Avatar


09 Jun, 2012 02:31 PM via web

How I can stop non admin user to delete or modify customer record?
Also how I can stop sale to modify other sales order as well?

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Glen on 09 Jun, 2012 09:47 PM

    Glen's Avatar

    Hi Barry,

    Handshake does not restrict any user for making modifications to a customer if they have permission to actually view that customer. You can read more about our user permissioning system at

    Generally speaking, our approach to problems like this is that you must train your users to use the system in the way you want. If they're not supposed to delete customers, then you should simply tell them not to.

    In future, we are going to support some extra order statuses, including "Processing" and "Shipped", and orders in those statuses will give the user a warning if they try to edit them. This might help you prevent users working on orders that have already been completed.

  2. Glen closed this discussion on 09 Jun, 2012 09:47 PM.

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