Setting up additional prices

Handshake supports defining additional prices on both items and variants. This is useful if you're selling to more than one type of customer (e.g. distributors vs retailers) or if you are selling into multiple markets (e.g. different countries that have their own currencies). If you have only a single price list, you can safely ignore this section.

Additional prices are defined on a per-customer group basis. You need to set up your customer groups before defining additional prices on your items.

Setting up additional prices is done by adding new columns immediately to the right of the unitPrice column. These columns should have headings of the format unitPrice:<customer_group_ID>. For example, if you have a customer group for Australian retailers with an ID of "AU", the column header for Australian retailer-specific prices should be unitPrice:AU.

Additional prices for items

The rules for setting prices on items are as follows:

  • If you leave a cell blank in an additional price column, the price will default to the value in the standard unitPrice column.
  • If you want to mark a particular product as being unavailable to a particular customer group, then you can put the special value NA into the cell in that column. Customers in that group will then be unable to purchase that item. In the screenshot above, the Bass Trombone on the bottom row has been marked unavailable to the Australian retailers group.

Additional prices for variants

Additional prices for variants work similarly to those for items, except that:

  • If you leave a cell blank, the variant price for that group will default back to the item's price in that group, rather than the default unitPrice value for that variant. What this means is that Handshake uses the group-specific price for an item in preference to a variant price that is not specific to the group.


Say you are selling apples for $1.00 each, but they are $1.50 in Canada. You sell green, yellow, and red apples, but the red apples cost $1.20. If you leave the price for red apples in Canada blank, it will default back to the $1.50 base Canadian price, rather than the the $1.20 variant price for red apples that is not specific to Canada.

  • You cannot use the special value NA to mark a variant as unavailable for a particular customer group. Variants of a single item are either all available or all unavailable to a particular customer group. If you really need to make specific variants unavailable like this, you can achieve the same result by creating a separate item with only the valid variants that is available to the relevant customer groups.