Before You Begin

Getting the app

If you came to Handshake directly through our website and haven't yet downloaded the Handshake app to your iPhone or iPad, please do so now. You can find the apps easily on the App Store by searching for "handshake" and looking for our logo:

If you're on your iPad or iPhone right now, you can download the apps directly from the following links:

  • Handshake HD for iPad
  • Handshake for iPhone / iPod Touch

Handshake web & Handshake mobile

Handshake is designed for an awesome iPad and iPhone experience, but the Handshake website (this website that you're on right now) is the true core of the system, and is the hub through which you will perform all setup and management tasks.

The Handshake website is designed to be accessed from a PC or Mac
and not from your iPad or iPhone.

In order to complete this mini-tutorial, you should be sitting at your computer for doing the web-based stuff, with your iPad or iPhone handy for doing the mobile stuff.

Please do not attempt to work through this tutorial entirely on your iPad or iPhone. There are multiple elements of the website that are not going to work properly on your mobile device. As an example, you need to be able to right-click to do this tutorial, and that can't be done on an iPad or iPhone.

Browser support

Right now, this website is tested on Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. The obvious omission from this list is poor old Internet Explorer, which means we cannot promise a perfect experience if you're using that browser.

This is not because we are arrogant berét-wearing snobs (although we do love our Macs), but simply because right now we can't prioritize rolling out support for Windows-only browsers.

If you are using Internet Explorer 8 or later, you will probably be OK for the most part. Any version prior to IE8 is likely to give you a pretty poor experience so you should either upgrade IE or start using one of the supported (and free!) browsers above.

Recent Discussions

03 Jan, 2013 04:27 PM
03 Jan, 2013 12:12 PM
28 Dec, 2012 03:29 AM
17 Dec, 2012 11:37 PM